Wednesday, September 9, 2009

2009 - Our First Day

Much prayer went into the preparation of this year - and not just by me. There are prayer warriors all over this valley and the United States for this school. The beauty was seeing God's peace and joy in everyone's face today as we began the school year. These kids are ready - and so is Mrs. Carlson - to start this year! I felt anticipation with each transition into our next activity! I love it. Now my prayer is that I can keep up! :)

Blessings to you all!

aka Mrs. Carlson

Friday, May 8, 2009

Just a few spots left for 2009/10 school year...

It has been a joy for me to design the curriculum for this program. I believe God has provided a wonderful world full of opportunities to expand our learning. Research also confirms that children learn best by discovering their world through the use of multiple senses. I have put together a curriculum in which the children will learn by doing. The advantage of my environment is that with our small number of children we can plan multiple hands-on explorations. It will encourage collaborative and individual problem solving activities which will not only be extremely educational, but wonderfully fun! I believe that learning through discovery happens best in a loving environment full of laughter and imagination! Discovery Learning Center will provide an environment that is both challenging and joyful so that your child will approach future learning experiences with self-confidence and enthusiasm.

Call (509)264-9645 or email for more information.